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С пляжей Севастополя вывезли более 11 тонн загрязненного мазутом грунта за день

В субботу, 1 февраля, с побережья Севастополя вывезли 11,03 тонны загрязненного нефтепродуктами песка и грунта

The main conceptual idea of the text is the ongoing cleanup effort in Sevastopol, Crimea, following a mazuto (type of petroleum) pollution incident. Key points: * Massive cleanup: Over 11 tons of contaminated soil were removed from beaches just one day, bringing the total to over 620 tons since the incident. * Wide-ranging impact: The pollution affected multiple beaches and the area around Cape Aya. * Wildlife affected: 15 birds are being treated at a veterinary hospital for the effects of the pollution. * Ongoing monitoring: Authorities are continuously monitoring the coastline for further contamination using drones and sea vessels. The text highlights the severity of the pollution event and the extensive efforts being made to clean up the affected areas and protect wildlife.

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13 часов назад Винокур с палочкой, цветущая Королева и папарацци Мартиросян: звезды отметили день рождения Льва Лещенко
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